
Our campaign is honored to be supported by current and former elected officials and community leaders. 

Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
Supervisor Joe Simitian
State Senator Josh Becker
Assemblymember Marc Berman
Supervisor Otto Lee
Past Palo Alto Mayor Liz Kniss
Past Palo Alto Mayor Betsy Bechtel
Past Palo Alto Mayor Bern Beecham
Past Palo Alto Mayor Adrian Fine
Past Palo Alto Mayor Larry Klein
Past Palo Alto Mayor Judy Kleinberg
Past Palo Alto Councilmember Alison Cormack
Past Palo Alto Councilmember
Gail Price

Bruce Gee, Tall Tree Award Recipient (2023)
Mary Hughes
Stacey AshlundPast Palo Alto Parks and Recreation Commissioner
PAUSD Vice President Shana Segal
PAUSD Trustee Jennifer DiBrienza
Past PAUSD President
Terry Godfrey

Past PAUSD President
Susie Richardson

Past PAUSD President
Camille Townsend
Past PAUSD Trustee Heidi Emberling

Organizational Endorsements and Recognitions

Palo Alto Elected Officials*

Hon. Anna Eshoo, United States Representative

Hon. Josh Becker, State Senator 

Hon. Marc Berman, State Assembly

Hon. Joe Simitian, Santa Clara County Supervisor

Hon. Betsy Bechtel, Past Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Bern Beecham, Past Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Alison Cormack, Past Palo Alto City Council Member

Hon. Adrian Fine, Past Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Larry Klein, Past Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Judy Kleinberg, Past Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Liz Kniss, Past County Supervisor and Past Palo Alto Mayor

Hon. Gail Price, Past Palo Alto City Council Member
& Past Palo Alto Unified School District Board Member

Palo Alto Unified School District Elected Officials*

Hon. Shana Segal, PAUSD Vice President 

Hon. Jennifer DiBrienza, PAUSD Trustee 

Hon. Heidi Emberling, Past PAUSD Trustee

Hon. Terry Godfrey, Past PAUSD President

Hon. Susie Richardson, Past PAUSD President

Hon. Camille Townsend, Past PAUSD President

Palo Alto Appointed &  Civic Leaders*

Stacey Ashlund, Past Palo Alto Parks and Recreation Commissioner

Claude Ezran, Former Human Relations Commission Chair

Bart Hechtman, Palo Alto Planning & Transportation Commissioner

Michelle Kraus, Palo Alto Human Relations Commissioner 

Steven Lee, Past Palo Alto Human Relations Commissioner

Patty Regehr, Past Palo Alto Human Relations Commissioner

Valerie Stinger, Past Chair Human Relations Commissioner

Bruce Gee, Tall Tree Award Recipient (2023)

Regional Elected & Appointed Officials*

Hon. Sally Lieber, State Board of Equalization and Past State Assemblymember

Hon. Otto Lee, Santa Clara County Supervisor

Hon. Helen Chapman, Director of the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority

Hon, David Cohen, San Jose Council Member

Hon. Pete Dailey, Los Altos Vice Mayor

Hon. Lisa Diaz-Nash, City of San Mateo Mayor 

Hon. Neysa Fligor, Los Altos CM 

Hon. Paul Fong, Past State Assemblymember, Past Foothill-DeAnza Board Member, and Professor of Asian-American Studies

Hon. J.R. Fruen, Vice Mayor, City of Cupertino

Hon. Lisa Gauthier, East Palo Alto CM 

Hon. Ellen Kamei, Mountain View CM

Hon. Michael Kasperzak, Past Mountain View Mayor

Hon. Jyl Lutes, Past Salinas City CM

Hon. Sally Meadows, Los Altos Mayor

Hon. Richard Mehlinger, Sunnyvale CM

Hon. Maryann Moise, Past Portola Valley Mayor

Hon. Lucas Ramirez, Mountain View CM 

Hon. Emily Ann Ramos, Mountain View CM

Hon. Francesca Segré, Menlo Park City School District President

Hon. Pat Showalter, Mayor of Mountain View

Hon. Jessica Speiser, Los Altos School District Board Member

Hon. Tara Sreekrishnan, Santa Clara County Board of Education

Hon. Mickie Winkler, Past Mayor, Menlo Park

Nicole Fernandez, Past Chair of the San Mateo County Democratic Party

Sarah Fields, City of San Mateo Parks and Recreation Commission Chair

Kimberly Mosley, Past Los Altos Planning Commissioner

Alex Nuñez, California Democratic Party Elected Member AD-23

Jason Park, DNC Member

IdaRose Sylvester, Mountain View Human Relations Commission Vice Chair

Helen Wolter, Past Portola Valley Parks and Recreation Commissioner

Community Leaders & Activists*

Bruce Arthur

Elizabeth Beheler

Owen Byrd

Ray Chiang

Steven Davis

Christine Egy Rose

Nicole Fernandez

Sarah Fields

Ellen Forbes

Paula Friedrich

Jeffrey Greger

Michael Greenfield

Lorri Holzberg

Qiming Huang

Mary Hughes

John Kelley

Phillip Kim

Reid Kleckner

Sheryl Klein

Nancy Krop

Lily Lee

Stephen Levy

Doug Ludlow

Laurie Miller Beyer

Debbie Mytels

Robert Neff

Alex Nuñez

Scott O’Neil

Peter Pham

Robyn Reiss

Diane Rolfe

Lynne Russell

Leah Russin

Jennifer Salcman

Sharyn Saslafsky

Adam Schwartz

Stephanie Seale

Wei Si

Barbara P. Swenson

Elaine Uang 

Lisa Van Dusen

Phoebe Shin Venkat

Katherine Welch

Jackie Wheeler

Linnea Wickstrom

Maggie Wing

Helen Wolter

Frank Yuan

Partial list. * Titles listed for identification purposes only.