YES! I support Cari Templeton for City Council! 

Thank you for your donation!

Donate Online: 

Or, if paying by check, please make checks payable to:  Cari Templeton for City Council 2024
If mailing, print and complete page one of this form and mail with the check to:  265 Cambridge Ave. #60014, Palo Alto, CA 94306

Amount:   ❑  $5,500   ❑  $2,500   ❑ $999   ❑  $500   ❑  $250   ❑  $100   ❑  $50   ❑  Other: ______

Please confirm: ❑ I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident and this contribution is made from my personal funds and is not being reimbursed by another person or entity.

Political contributions are not deductible for federal or state tax purposes.

*State law requires the following information when making a contribution: 

*First & Last Name:  __________________________________________________________________

*Street Address:  _____________________________________________________________________

*Occupation:  ________________________________________________________________________ 

*Employer:   _________________________________________________________________________

Email:    ____________________________________________________________________________

Phone:  (home) ________________________________ (cell) _________________________________

❑ Email me the newsletter

❑ Text me reminders to vote

❑ Endorse Cari / Add your title (if any) as you would like it to appear:


I will help Cari’s campaign in these ways:

❑ Display a lawn sign     ❑ Make phone calls    ❑ Walk a neighborhood    ❑ Host a house party     ❑ Join the volunteer team 

❑ Other: _________________________________________

Paid for by Cari Templeton for City Council 2024. FPPC ID #1470749.